Your reputation is as crucial as ever in today’s digital world, where a single negative search result can dramatically alter public perception of you or your brand. Though it’s true there are specific times when your online reputation really matters, maintaining a positive online reputation should be a constant effort. A need for a good reputation could pop up at any time. 

With the rise in mobile-everything, social media use, and the popularity of turning to peer reviews for purchasing decisions, reputation management is more important than ever. Whether your business has one location or a hundred, growth is dependent on a healthy brand strategy. The first thing to note about online review sites is that your customers can and will review you, even if you never claim your page or spend one moment managing your account. These sites should work for you, not against you, and having a proactive approach to managing them is the first step.

Offline strategies, like menus slipped under doorways and coupons tucked in a windshield wiper, just aren’t going to cut it. Nowadays, businesses with the strongest presence on social media end up faring the best, and in such a competitive industry, ignoring this aspect of your businesses’s marketing plan could end poorly.